Create logs with Performance Monitor and track your network queues. Detect network bottlenecks and find solutions. CommView is a powerful network monitor and analyzer designed for LAN administrators, security professionals, network programmers, home users.
Message Analyzer, Netmon Parsers, and Test Suites Have Moved. If you see this text, that means you have not joined our project or are not logged into the site. Use packet capture for proactive network monitoring with alerts and Azure Functions. How to Monitor Network Traffic. Monitoring network traffic is not only for large businesses; it is something smaller networks can do as well. Monitoring your small. This post explains how to monitor network traffic in windows 7 with latest Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4.Microsoft released a best network monitoring tool recently. CommView for WiFi is a wireless network monitor and analyzer for 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac networks. Loaded with many user-friendly features, this software combines.
Using network logging tools. You can capture the traffic between the client and server to provide detailed information about the data the client and server are. HHD Network Monitor - Network packet sniffer, LAN/Internet protocol analyzer and data logger software application for Windows platform. Network protocol analyzer for Windows and Unix that allows examination of data from a live network, or from a capture file on disk.
Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Azure Storage. Overview. Diagnosing and troubleshooting issues in a distributed application hosted in a cloud environment can be more complex than in traditional environments. Applications can be deployed in a Paa. S or Iaa. S infrastructure, on premises, on a mobile device, or in some combination of these. Typically, your application's network traffic may traverse public and private networks and your application may use multiple storage technologies such as Microsoft Azure Storage Tables, Blobs, Queues, or Files in addition to other data stores such as relational and document databases. To manage such applications successfully you should monitor them proactively and understand how to diagnose and troubleshoot all aspects of them and their dependent technologies. As a user of Azure Storage services, you should continuously monitor the Storage services your application uses for any unexpected changes in behavior (such as slower than usual response times), and use logging to collect more detailed data and to analyze a problem in depth.
The diagnostics information you obtain from both monitoring and logging will help you to determine the root cause of the issue your application encountered. Then you can troubleshoot the issue and determine the appropriate steps you can take to remediate it. Azure Storage is a core Azure service, and forms an important part of the majority of solutions that customers deploy to the Azure infrastructure. Azure Storage includes capabilities to simplify monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting storage issues in your cloud- based applications.
Note. The Azure File storage does not support logging at this time. For a hands- on guide to end- to- end troubleshooting in Azure Storage applications, see End- to- End Troubleshooting using Azure Storage Metrics and Logging, Az.
Copy, and Message Analyzer. Introduction. This guide shows you how to use features such as Azure Storage Analytics, client- side logging in the Azure Storage Client Library, and other third- party tools to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot Azure Storage related issues. This guide is intended to be read primarily by developers of online services that use Azure Storage Services and IT Pros responsible for managing such online services. The goals of this guide are: To help you maintain the health and performance of your Azure Storage accounts. To provide you with the necessary processes and tools to help you decide if an issue or problem in an application relates to Azure Storage. To provide you with actionable guidance for resolving problems related to Azure Storage. How this guide is organized.
The section . It also describes how to enable client- side logging using the facilities in one of the client libraries such as the Storage Client Library for . NET or the Azure SDK for Java. The section . In Storage Metrics you will find a comprehensive set of metrics (counters in Windows Performance Monitor terminology) such as service availability, total number of requests to service, or percentage of successful requests to service. For a full list of the available metrics, see Storage Analytics Metrics Table Schema. You can specify whether you want the storage service to collect and aggregate metrics every hour or every minute. For more information about how to enable metrics and monitor your storage accounts, see Enabling storage metrics and viewing metrics data.
Microsoft Network Monitor Packet Capture For Windows
You can choose which hourly metrics you want to display in the Azure portal and configure rules that notify administrators by email whenever an hourly metric exceeds a particular threshold. For more information, see Receive Alert Notifications. The storage service collects metrics using a best effort, but may not record every storage operation. In the Azure portal, you can view metrics such as availability, total requests, and average latency numbers for a storage account. A notification rule has also been set up to alert an administrator if availability drops below a certain level.
From viewing this data, one possible area for investigation is the table service success percentage being below 1. The values of your baseline metrics will, in many cases, be application specific and you should establish them when you are performance testing your application. Recording minute metrics and using them to monitor actively for unexpected errors and anomalies such as spikes in error counts or request rates. Adobe After Effects Plugin Trapcode Form Torrent.
Recording hourly metrics and using them to monitor average values such as average error counts and request rates. Investigating potential issues using diagnostics tools as discussed later in the section . The hourly metrics appear to show a steady rate of requests, while the minute metrics reveal the fluctuations that are really taking place. The remainder of this section describes what metrics you should monitor and why. Monitoring service health. You can use the Azure portal to view the health of the Storage service (and other Azure services) in all the Azure regions around the world.
This enables you to see immediately if an issue outside of your control is affecting the Storage service in the region you use for your application. The Azure portal can also provide notifications of incidents that affect the various Azure services.
The services offered by Dynatrace and Application Insights for Visual Studio Team Services are examples of this outside- in approach. For more information about Application Insights for Visual Studio Team Services, see the appendix .
You can find this data in the $Metrics. Capacity. Blob table if you have enabled monitoring for the Blob service. Storage Metrics records this data once per day, and you can use the value of the Row. Key to determine whether the row contains an entity that relates to user data (value data) or analytics data (value analytics). Each stored entity contains information about the amount of storage used (Capacity measured in bytes) and the current number of containers (Container. Count) and blobs (Object.
Count) in use in the storage account. For more information about the capacity metrics stored in the $Metrics. Capacity. Blob table, see Storage Analytics Metrics Table Schema.
Note. You should monitor these values for an early warning that you are approaching the capacity limits of your storage account. In the Azure portal, you can add alert rules to notify you if aggregate storage use exceeds or falls below thresholds that you specify. For help estimating the size of various storage objects such as blobs, see the blog post Understanding Azure Storage Billing – Bandwidth, Transactions, and Capacity. Monitoring availability. You should monitor the availability of the storage services in your storage account by monitoring the value in the Availability column in the hourly or minute metrics tables — $Metrics. Hour. Primary. Transactions.
Blob, $Metrics. Hour. Primary. Transactions. Table, $Metrics. Hour. Primary. Transactions. Queue, $Metrics. Minute.
Primary. Transactions. Blob, $Metrics. Minute. Primary. Transactions. Table, $Metrics. Minute.
Primary. Transactions. Queue, $Metrics. Capacity. Blob. The Availability column contains a percentage value that indicates the availability of the service or the API operation represented by the row (the Row. Key shows if the row contains metrics for the service as a whole or for a specific API operation). Any value less than 1. You can see why they are failing by examining the other columns in the metrics data that show the numbers of requests with different error types such as Server. Timeout. Error. You should expect to see Availability fall temporarily below 1.
The article Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages lists the transaction types that Storage Metrics includes in its Availability calculation. In the Azure portal, you can add alert rules to notify you if Availability for a service falls below a threshold that you specify. The . Average. E2. ELatency is a measure of end- to- end latency that includes the time taken to read the request and send the response in addition to the time taken to process the request (therefore includes network latency once the request reaches the storage service); Average. Server. Latency is a measure of just the processing time and therefore excludes any network latency related to communicating with the client.
See the section . Total. Requests is the total number of requests that the storage service receives. Typically, you will monitor for unexpected changes in any of these values as an indicator that you have an issue that requires investigation. In the Azure portal, you can add alert rules to notify you if any of the performance metrics for this service fall below or exceed a threshold that you specify.
The . The section . The Azure portal provides information about any ongoing issues with Azure services including storage services. If you opted for Read- Access Geo- Redundant Storage when you created your storage account, then in the event of your data being unavailable in the primary location, your application could switch temporarily to the read- only copy in the secondary location. To do this, your application must be able to switch between using the primary and secondary storage locations, and be able to work in a reduced functionality mode with read- only data.
The Azure Storage Client libraries allow you to define a retry policy that can read from secondary storage in case a read from primary storage fails. Your application also needs to be aware that the data in the secondary location is eventually consistent. For more information, see the blog post Azure Storage Redundancy Options and Read Access Geo Redundant Storage. Performance issues.
The performance of an application can be subjective, especially from a user perspective. Therefore, it is important to have baseline metrics available to help you identify where there might be a performance issue. Many factors might affect the performance of an Azure storage service from the client application perspective.